Sunday, February 17, 2013


     We've now been in the Vancouver/Portland area for nine months.  In that time we've eaten some amazing food, seen some unbelievable sights, and grown closer as a family.  I finally have a job, Avery turned 13, and my husband was gone for a month.  It never fails to make me wonder that we know as much about this place as those who've lived here their entire lives.  Why is that?  The only answer I can come up with is because we choose to live where we reside.
     I suppose moving every few years has the advantage of forcing you to soak in the surroundings that most "natives" take for granted.  They'll have time to go whale watching at the coast because they live here.  But how many people take the time?  Instead of rambling about the amazing and wonderful things we've done I thought it'd be easier to make a list.  I'm offering a service to those who are, have been or hope to be in this area.  Obviously this is limited as we've only been here a short time.  But stop and think about the places and sights to discover that surround you...are you taking advantage?  Are you living and not just merely doing the routine?

1. Voodoo Doughnuts-iconic Portland and Food Network famous
2. Salt and Straw-gormet ice cream like strawberry with balsamic vinegar, jam, and black pepper
3. Pok Pok-Thai food...the most delicious chicken wings I've ever eaten
4. Kenny and Zukes-a Jewish deli where you can order cheesy pastrami fries and have pickled cow tongue on a sandwich (quite tasty)
5. Big-Ass Sandwiches-one of the hundreds of food carts to choose from;  the name says it all
6. Pine State Biscuits-be prepared to wait 45 minutes to an hour but OH SO WORTH IT!  Can you say all things yummy and decadent on scratch made biscuits?
7. Pie Spot-food cart turned brick and mortar that serves pie holes...yummy
8. Por Que No-be prepared to stand in line for the best Mexican in town
9. Pacific Oyster-it's a fishery that has a restaurant; located north of Tillamook along the coast
10. Vinnie's Pizza-family owned by an awesome young couple.  They use his grandpa's sauce recipe and make dough every day.  One of our standbys
11. The Brickhouse-tater tots and beer...'nuf said

1. Mt. Hood-breathtaking and beautiful from afar and even more gorgeous once you're there.  Take the time to visit the Timberline Lodge.  The outside shots are in The Shining.
2. Mt. St. Helens-we can see this from afar on clear days.  Hiking here is a bit treacherous as there is rubble everywhere from the eruption.
3. Multnomah Falls-hike all the way to the top to see the falls but keep going it gets better
4. Eagle Creek/ the Punch Bowl/Tunnel Falls- an easy 2 mile hike to cool your body in the frigid water.  Just take the plunge from 8 ft. above the water for the quick shock to the system.  Continue on for 5 more miles to reach a water fall that you can walk behind; about 13 miles round trip
5. Mt. Hamilton-nearly 2300 ft to the top; what a view
6. Astoria-home of the Goonies house and some very boisterous sea lions
7. Cannon Beach-home of Haystack rock of Goonies fame; wait until low tide to see the creatures in the tide pool
8. Surfing-The Pacific is cold which is why you wear a wet suit!
9. Rock climbing/bouldering-we climb at an indoor gym in downtown Vancouver and are working towards climbing outside this summer
10. Farmer's Market-we can ride or walk here every Saturday or Sunday for our weekly supply of fresh fruits and veggies.
11. Biking-we live near a boardwalk and only a mile from downtown.  Portland is one of the bike friendliest cities in America
12. Stand Up Paddleboarding-we had free lessons on Vancouver lake.  From our vantage point we could see Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens
13. Sturgeon and salmon fishing
14. Mt. Defiance-a training hike for summiting Mt. Hood; we only made it 2 hours in because we were soaked and Avery and I were whining.
15. Forest Park-only 15 minutes from downtown Portland; a great place to take the dogs
16. Bagby Hot Springs-only a mile hike to soak in giant tubs of hot spring water that you must temper with freezing cold water; so relaxing
17. Hood River-a cute little town located on the Columbia River.  This is the birthplace of kiteboarding and will usually see kiteboarders honing their skills.  Be sure to visit the tasting room of the Naked Winery!
18. Seaside Beach-we took surfing lessons here and searched for sand dollars; it's a bit like the Gatlinburg of the PNW
19. Ape Caves-located at Mt. St. Helens; we hiked through a lava tube.  Very cool but bring your warm clothes as it's only 40 degrees and a good source of light; it's pitch black!
20.  Portland Zoo-a nice zoo especially because we hit it on a day when prices were reduced
21. Ecola State Park-the last week of the year is whale watching time and you can hike from Cannon Beach to Seaside beach.  We saw whales and made it 4 miles in before succumbing to light and mud.
22. Museum of Art-the last Friday of the month is free and every three months or so there are free family days with activities.  We attended The Body Beautiful and learned about Greek art and made Icarus wings, mythical monsters, and Greek pottery.

     I'm sure there is more to add that I'm not thinking of but this is just a sampling.  It's amazing what you can accomplish in one weekend when you plan to have fun and be together.  Don't overschedule your kids or yourself; enjoy the people you chose and the place you're planted.