Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Change to Tradition

     I used to dread those words as it also meant a return to the classroom and an end the careless days of summer, long nights in the cul-de-sac, and sleeping in.  This year, however, has been quite the change at Casa de Honaker.  For the first time in 14 years I will not be returning to a classroom; I live in a condo near a park instead of a cul-de-sac, and it's August and Avery is still home.  Schools in this area start after Labor Day which means we have three more weeks of fun, sleeping late, and living a life of leisure.  Today we embarked on the yearly tradition of back to school shopping for clothes.  I normally dread this day as it means big bucks and a potential for contentious attitude from my near teen daughter.    This day proved to be quite a refreshing break from the expected.
     I remember the days of back to school shopping with my mom and Jason.  We had a tradition.  Every year we would head out early, relatively for those of you who know my mom:), to Indianapolis where we would lunch at Benihana and shop at Castleton Mall until we literally couldn't stand.  There is no denying that Jason and I were much spoiled as my mother is, and probably always will be, a shopaholic!  I don't recall her ever saying "no" to many of our requests no matter how ridiculous.  I hate to guess the financial damage at the end of the day!  At the time our yearly back to school shopping day was an expected tradition and I know I never truly appreciated that time until it ended.  I realize now it wasn't just a day to buy, buy, buy but a way for us to spend time together as a family.  It was always just the three of us on those trips, and it's a tradition I've carried on with Avery.
       Our back to school shopping day has taken on a decidedly different approach.  I enjoy spending money on my daughter but I also want her to realize the value of a dollar.  A very wise friend of mine clued me in to the method she used for teaching her teenage daughter just that lesson.  Rather than me pulling out the debit card for every purchase I give Avery all the cash I would spend on clothing during our trip.  I've found that this way she's beginning to understand how much clothing costs and that she has to decide what she really wants.  For example, last school year she was convinced she wanted a pair of Sperrys.  The cost was $75!  After much deep thought and math she didn't buy the shoes because she wouldn't have much money left; she'd only be able to buy a few items of clothes.   Lesson learned.  (On that same note she came back from Spring Break at Nana's with two pair of Sperrys; I guess that's what Nana's are for!)  She also has discovered shopping at Plato's Closet (a consignment store).  She has no interest, at this point, in name brands is just happy to find clothes and create outfits.  I truly hope her attitude doesn't change.  She's going to be the new kid in the halls and wants to make a good first impression.  Thanks to Plato's Closet and her savvy consumer skills she'll be able to do just that.
     Final total on today's shopping trip:  Plato's Closet $93.22 (2 pair of jeans, 2 skirts, a jean jacket, a sweater, tank top, and a belt), lunch at Subway...$15.18.  Not too bad!

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