Friday, August 24, 2012

The Power of Positive

     You know the old saying "The power of positive thinking."  I have found this to be incredibly true on my journey to become healthy.  I have also chosen to live by the verse "This is the the day that the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it."  Combining these two into my philosophy for living has given me a new vigor for living.
     As I'm not working yet I begin every day with some form of physical activity.  I've recently become quite attached to a Jillian Michael's yoga video.  I love yoga because it is low impact with high intensity.  I sweat as much doing this as I do running.  I have found the important thing with exercise is that 1) I must enjoy what I'm doing and 2) I don't put pressure on myself to be a badass.  I understand my limits and try to surprise myself with each work out.  For example, Monday I exercised for 45 minutes and went 4.48 miles.  Of that distance I ran approximately 2.5 miles!  That's pretty kick ass for me!  I was so proud of myself.  It's important to be happy with your progress and celebrate your accomplishments no matter how small.
     Too many times we as women forget to celebrate what makes us fantastic.  We can carry another human in our bodies, we have kicking curves worthy of song, and we can bring a man to his knees with a simple look.  Women play so many different roles that few people realize how difficult it can be to wear so many hats.  Think about the woman who works and has a family; it's not easy, I do it.   So why are we so tough on ourselves?  When did it become ok to dis ourselves and try and live up to an unrealistic ideal?  Since when did a size 0 become the norm?
     I for one am standing up against these contrived Hollywood images of "perfection."  Perfection is a myth...unattainable and unrealistic.  I refuse to believe that I'm not beautiful or sexy just because I'm not a size 4.  I'm a size 12.  I'm not unhealthy or disgusting to look at or unhappy with myself.  It's time for American women to take pride in themselves and work hard to feel good about themselves.  Sweat every day whether it's on a walk, in the gym, in your living room, or in your bedroom!  It's incredible what sweating and being active does for your confidence.  Eat the foods you love but eat them in moderation.  Don't starve yourself.  Food is energy and meant to be enjoyed.  Lastly, look at yourself in the mirror and celebrate your success.  Don't measure yourself on a scale...numbers mean nothing but fit means everything.
     Try this beginning tomorrow: Say one positive thing about yourself every day and that will turn into something phenomenal. You'll find confidence you didn't know you had and change your outlook on your life.  It's done wonders for me!  I'm sexy and I know it:)

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