Monday, August 20, 2012

When I Grow Up...

     Beginning in elementary school, kids all over the world begin deciding what they want to be when they grow up.  It's fun to play dress up when you're a kid and "pretend."  My brother and I used to pretend we were business people and walk around with a "briefcase" and we'd play school on the last day of school.  As I sit on the verge of 40 I wonder why we have to choose just one job.  Wouldn't we all be much happier if we got to try different careers every so often?  I believe in one true love but I don't necessarily believe in one perfect job.
     I was one of those kids who never knew what she wanted to be when I got older.  Even as I prepared for college and thought about a future career I couldn't decide.  I knew what I liked to do and was good at but could I make that into a career?  I knew I wanted to major in English but what to do with a degree in English?  Law school?  Education?  Graduate school?  So, I did what any moderately motivated college student would do...I went the path of least resistance: Education.   I was too burned out after four years of studying and partying to continue on with grad school, so on May 5, 1996 I received my degree in English Education.
     I find myself in an awkward and unfamiliar situation:  not being an English teacher for the 2012-2013 school year.  The thing is I don't find myself all that sad about it.  I'm excited about the prospect of  starting a job that doesn't have to do with punctuation, children, bells, grading papers, parents, I could go on.   The only issue seems to be what do I want to do?  I made a list that included what I don't want to do but that hasn't exactly helped me narrow it down to a job.  I feel like I'm back Sophomore year in college when I had to declare a major....FREAKED OUT!   Luckily I have a husband who always has a plan and who is supportive of any decision I make.  So I've come up with a plan.
     Fitness.  I've been looking to get my foot in the door at a gym so I can work toward becoming a fitness instructor.  My hook is that I don't look like your average fitness guru: I'm 5'1", 169 lbs.  I work out everyday and love it!  I figure I can share that enthusiasm and be a motivation for other women who, like me, feel insecure about their bodies.  I want to share my newfound excitement for being fit and how it has helped my self-esteem and self-confidence.  I know I have a job as a substitue teacher so I can make money while I work toward my next job.  Maybe figuring out what you want to be when you grow up should be a wish list instead.

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