Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Where Experience Means Nothing

    Moving to the Pacific Northwest has really been a blessing for my family and for me personally.  I've been exercising everyday, eating healthier, and have gained confidence I'd forgotten I had.  This, however, is not a discussion of those wonderful things.  This is a rantings of a frustrated almost 40 year old unemployed for the first time in 14 years woman.
     As many of you know I'm unemployed.  My last check from HCS will appear in the account at the end of the month and after that....nada!  I've been searching for teaching positions since before we moved and have continued to do so since we moved.  I have taught for 13 years but it seems as though that means nothing to the state of Washington.  I get that systems aren't hiring; I'll sub.  The part of the process that frustrates me is that 1) I must retake the math portion of the PRAXIS because I missed Washington's standards by TWO points and 2) I have to take an English Language Arts test to become certified to teach English.  I've been an English teacher for 13 YEARS for crap's sake!!!!  Really, my experience, qualification, and history mean nothing?!  Is it like this in other professions?
     Anyone who's been licensed in any profession knows that there is always a cost involved.  Well, this one has been the most expensive.  Keep in mind I've taught in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky and still hold licenses in TN and KY.  In order for me to attain my WA TEMPORARY license (which I have) I had to pay $88 to submit the paperwork.  Additionally I had to be fingerprinted which was a tame $68.50.  Now here's the most frustrating part:  the math portion of the PRAXIS $35, and the English Language Arts test $155!  For those of you keeping track that's $346.50 (yes I used my calculator) and I don't even have a job or professional license.  My TEMPORARY one expires in 180 days...that's January!
     Do I want to teach?  Not really.  I was looking forward to the move West so I could get out of education but momma needs a job.  I've applied to at least 35-50 non-education jobs since I've been here and still I am unemployed.  It seems the only thing I can do with two degrees in education is teach!  Shocking!!  Avery starts school Sept. 5 and in the meantime I'll do what I do every morning for two hours: check internet job boards, make phone calls to see if they're hiring,  stop by to fill out an application, and keep my fingers crossed.  I know something will come about as it always does, but for now frustration reigns supreme.

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